Sunday, July 27, 2008

Candice Kuhnen Releases New Publication

Candice Kuhnen, President of ABC Communications celebrates the premier issue of Shore, The Art of Midwest Living, a new magazine that focuses on philanthropy in the states that surround Lake Michigan and on the lifestyle that supports them. The publication will be published twice a year.

In each issue there will be a lists of events scheduled to take place in the following six months as well as information on events that took place in the previous six months. In addition, they will feature attractions around the Lake that fit into the lifestyles of people who are in a position to support these charities, stories about travel destinations, special events like the Race to Mackinac, fashions and fine restaurants.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Luxury Lifestyles!

Based in Newport Beach, CA, the Lux5 Group America’s premier event company focused on luxury entertainment and high-end brand marketing at Navy Pier Saturday, June 28, 2008.
The unique attraction at Lux5’s ultra exclusive event exspanded from rare and exotic automobiles to haute couture fashion shows and a VIP lounge to some of the most sought after brands from all over the world.

On entering the Lux5 Event, we witnessed luxury and exotic vehicles adorned with a variety of customized parts and products all competing for top honors. The visitors were treated to not only sensational product presentations and industry firsts, but also dazzling stage entertainment full of glitter and glamour with international DJ’s and fully hosted VIP lounges with Beautiful Bartenders at every corner. The extraordinary mix of exclusive products created a paradise for lovers of the luxury life. Visitors to the Lux5 Event could buy cars and boats, participate in an investment project or seek financial advice. Products such as limited
edition watches, rare tech gadgets, boutique clothes, fine jewelry, and high-end merchandise can all be bought directly at the Lux5 Event.

Nina Madonia of the Bentley Gold Coast office in Chicago hosted the VIP Lounge where the elegant and created relaxed after each fashion show. Nina can be reached at or 312 280 4848.

Joelle Nadine Designs were featured with fashion purses and elegantly made fashion pillows for your lounging time. Joelle can be reached at or 312 951 9774.

It was a fabulous networking event where friends and new acquaintances shared their
dreams and how they made them happen.

Liberty Coach of Florida presented "The World's finest Luxury Coach. They operate
corporate day coaches and also sell this beautiful extravaganza for your traveling pleasure! For more info please call Frank Konigseder at 847 578 4600 or Robin King at 772 463 2701.

Kimberly Curtis of Indigo Yacht Charters showing that riding a bicycle never looked so good! Jorg & Olif blends sustainability and style through their contemporary lifestyle Dutch citybike and can be found at Kimberly can be found at or 888 807 8947 for your dream of magical forms on a Kalikobass yacht.

Rodica, the European Skin & Body Care Center in Water Tower Place enjoyed the event
sporting her wide brim flowered sun hat. She offered a special prize for an exquisite
European Facial and $100 in beauty products. Rodica can be reached at or 312 527 1459. offered a luxury limo to dream away in the center of the event with a fantasy
fog rolling in on Maria George, a multi-million dollar producer with Re/Max. Maria can be
reached at 847 846 0009. Limo Bob has sales and a limo service waiting for your beck and
call at 630 your car. His Limo King Enterprises, Inc. is home of the worlds longest & most
exotic limousines and can be seen at

The LUX5 Event Group welcomes you to enjoy five-star entertainment, and ultimately, Living
the Modern Luxury Lifestyle at their next event!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Miss Romania United States 2008-Adela Fulea


Chicago, IL - June 25th, 2008 On
Sunday evening the Gateway
Theatre Chicago hosted the Second
Annual Miss Romania United States
Beauty Pageant. After an intense 2
hour finale, a star-studded panel of
judges chose Adela Fulea, 22, from
Ohio, as Miss Romania United States

The show was hosted by Dan Negru,
TV show host from the Romanian TV
Station, Antena One, and by Ligia
Florescu, aspiring actress from

Throughout the two-hour event, the
contestants competed in three
categories: casual, swim suit, talent
and evening gown. The interview was
also part of the judging but it was
based on answers to questions from
application forms.

This year’s winner, Adela Fulea, was
born and raised in beautiful city of
Sibiu, Romania and moved to US with
her parents in 1995. Currently she is
a full time student at Cleveland State
University, Majoring in
Communications and Public
Relations. Adela is proud of her
Romanian ancestry, and in her year-
long reign she aims to strengthen the
Romanian-American community by
actively advocating for unity,
understanding and aid for the
recently arrived young Romanians.
Also she plans in raising awareness
upon the breast cancer disease by
actively participating at local and
national awareness campaigns.

This year’s panel of judges featured
Joey Majumdar, Houbrigant
Perfumes representative and well
known pageant coordinator and
organizer, Dorel Nasui CEO and
President of AI Radio, Distributor of
Motorola Products in the US, Florina
Petcu, Romanian Actress and Muay
Thai US Team Fighter, Stephanie
Svec and Lisa Corcoran,
representatives from One
Magnificent Model, Kasia Koniar,
Elite Chicago representative, Altin
Naska, founder of S.P.A.C.E.
Southport Performing Arts
Conservatory & Entertainment and
Michael Foster, Sales executive at
the Seneca Hotel and independent
movie producer.

While the judges were deliberating, a
local Romanian talent, Ruxandra,
took over the stage and impressed
the audience with her outstanding
voice and performance. Her live
show featured covers from Laura
Pausini and The Fugees. Andrei
Dan, Romanian Conservatory
graduate, had accompanied all of
Ruxandra’s appearances on stage,
showing his piano playing talent for
the first time in front of the Romanian
American audience.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lux5 and Red Carpet Concierge of Chicago Partnering


Red Carpet Concierge of Chicago

Press Release Chicago, Il 6/19/08 Red Carpet Concierge of Chicago and The Lux5 Group based in Newport Beach, CA, America’s premier event company focusing on luxury entertainment and high-end brand marketing are forming a partnership for the June 28th convention at Navy Pier from 3 PM to 10 PM in Hall A.

The unique attractions at Lux5’s ultra exclusive events span from rare and exotic automobiles to million dollar yachts, and from haute couture fashion shows and VIP lounges to the most sought after brands from all over the world.

In September of 2007, the first Lux5 event was held in Orange County at the Grove of Anaheim. The Orange County launch paved the way for future success. Since then, this savvy and affluent community has been setting the stage for what is now spreading across the nation, and even the world. An environment where several successful moguls showcase privately owned possessions and individuals to ultra luxury brands fuse fashion and glamour with modern lifestyle.

Sandra Smith-Doghmi, a chicago concierge will be featured at the event to assist with hospitality and customer service to this luxurious convention and its attendees. Sandy has been in the hospitality industry for 17 years and is connecting with Jeff Niles from Lux5 their Director of Program Development. Jeff explains, "the range of participants in the Lux5 Event is a diverse group similarly focused on the multi-billion dollar international luxury segment. Each and every one of the exhibitors is amongst the absolute top in the marketplace".

On entering a Lux5 Event, you will witness a sea of luxury and exotic vehicles adorned with a variety of customized parts and products all competing for top honors. For only a few hours, every foot of the venue is transformed into a spectacular high-end showcase. The visitors are treated to not only sensational product presentations and industry firsts, but also dazzling stage entertainment full of glitter and glamour with international DJ’s and several fully hosted VIP lounges with Beautiful Bartenders at every corner. The extraordinary mix of exclusive products creates a paradise for lovers of the luxury life. Visitors to the Lux5 Event can buy cars and boats, participate in an investment project or seek financial advice. Products such as limited edition watches, rare tech gadgets, boutique clothes, fine jewelry, and high-end merchandise can all be bought directly at the Lux5 Event. The range of participants in the Lux5 Event is a diverse group similarly focused on the multi-billion dollar international luxury segment. Each and every one of the exhibitors is amongst the absolute top in the marketplace. Naturally, the big corporations are represented, but for smaller and new brands, too, the event is the perfect opportunity to present themselves to the public at large.

Some of the sectors represented include: Luxury & Exotic Cars, Fashion & Haute Couture Jewelry & Watches, Boats & Yachts, Lifestyle Travel, Private Jets & Helicopters, Investment, Spirits & Haute Cuisine, Cosmetics & Beauty, Home entertainment, Sound & Vision, Telecom Hotels & Resorts, Property Banking & Finance. Not only the event organizers, but also the exhibitors play a large role in the unique appearance of the Lux5 Event. Participants pull out all the stops to give their exhibit space the exquisite appeal their products deserve. It’s not out of the norm for stands to have production designers, lavish offerings, libations and live entertainment. Each exhibitor creates their own, unique experience, making their booth the ideal place to receive key business relations. Lux5’s objective is to appeal to the senses in a unique entertaining environment and connect this with the celebration of ultra luxury lifestyle. See it… Feel it… Try it… Buy it! In offering a savvy event platform where exclusivity, timeless class, professionalism and glamour come together and, naturally, can be obtained. The LUX5 Event Group welcomes you to enjoy five-star entertainment, and ultimately, Living the Modern Luxury Lifestyle!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


What a treat as we watched these young performers from China, Korea, France, Italy and Jordan fill our minds with colorful dances of acrobatic skills. Their precision and trust in their teammates created a thrilling epic worthy of a story in the making. The youngest in the middle is 14 years old and their prize performer. He has a sense of balance that defies gravity and he gives pleasure to his performance as well as his audience. He has no fear only confidence in his abilities. I wondered who taught them, how did they create an unfearing demeanor and who designed their costumes? There were also request for the "music" of the night, but it was not ready for sale at this time. The oriental style of sound blended beautifully into the symphony style of the Old Masters renditions of "a love for what they do". My husband whispered to me in one scene, "I feel like I am watching a live cartoon", as the colors were so vibrant and the costumes so animated that we hardly felt the 75 minutes of the show. Near the end I was exhausted from watching their daring antics and when two warrior types were climbing two moving exercise wheels that reached the top of this huge stage at Navy Pier I gave in to looking down-but just for a few minutes. Our friends enjoyed themselves and we hope they share the memories of this night with others-it is our job to look out for one another and this team of stunning performers has a bright future in store for them.

It is a great family night as you can see from this soldiers smile as he stands ready to guard his turf. There is no intermission and readmission is not allowed. For further information please visit