Chicago, IL - June 25th, 2008 On
Sunday evening the Gateway
Theatre Chicago hosted the Second
Annual Miss Romania United States
Beauty Pageant. After an intense 2
hour finale, a star-studded panel of
judges chose Adela Fulea, 22, from
Ohio, as Miss Romania United States
The show was hosted by Dan Negru,
TV show host from the Romanian TV
Station, Antena One, and by Ligia
Florescu, aspiring actress from
Throughout the two-hour event, the
contestants competed in three
categories: casual, swim suit, talent
and evening gown. The interview was
also part of the judging but it was
based on answers to questions from
application forms.
This year’s winner, Adela Fulea, was
born and raised in beautiful city of
Sibiu, Romania and moved to US with
her parents in 1995. Currently she is
a full time student at Cleveland State
University, Majoring in
Communications and Public
Relations. Adela is proud of her
Romanian ancestry, and in her year-
long reign she aims to strengthen the
Romanian-American community by
actively advocating for unity,
understanding and aid for the
recently arrived young Romanians.
Also she plans in raising awareness
upon the breast cancer disease by
actively participating at local and
national awareness campaigns.
This year’s panel of judges featured
Joey Majumdar, Houbrigant
Perfumes representative and well
known pageant coordinator and
organizer, Dorel Nasui CEO and
President of AI Radio, Distributor of
Motorola Products in the US, Florina
Petcu, Romanian Actress and Muay
Thai US Team Fighter, Stephanie
Svec and Lisa Corcoran,
representatives from One
Magnificent Model, Kasia Koniar,
Elite Chicago representative, Altin
Naska, founder of S.P.A.C.E.
Southport Performing Arts
Conservatory & Entertainment and
Michael Foster, Sales executive at
the Seneca Hotel and independent
movie producer.
While the judges were deliberating, a
local Romanian talent, Ruxandra,
took over the stage and impressed
the audience with her outstanding
voice and performance. Her live
show featured covers from Laura
Pausini and The Fugees. Andrei
Dan, Romanian Conservatory
graduate, had accompanied all of
Ruxandra’s appearances on stage,
showing his piano playing talent for
the first time in front of the Romanian
American audience.